Climate Realism NOT Climate Alarmism

Its clear that very soon all this kind of climate debate will be academic as its very clear that climate activists and alarmists are going to get a strong dose of Climate realism in the next year as many major western governments realign away from NetZero that is now being proved to be unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable and extremely foolish.

Many of these new western governments are going to be rolling back carbon taxes and other limits to prosperity placed on their citizens by a NetZero agenda.

This reset is due to new scientific data from more independent scientific groups that clearly shows that there is no climate emergency on this planet.

This means Trump and his team are correct to place climate change low on the priority for government policy and action, other than focused adaptation to a slightly warming planet.

See this Substack for more details.


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Please stop using replies on REDD-Monitor to promote your version of climate denial. You've done so twice, so far. I'll block you if you do so again.

It is irresponsible to pretend that the climate crisis is not real and is not a serious threat: https://www.ipcc.ch/2022/02/28/pr-wgii-ar6/

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Ok... I Agree…. its your site and you have a specific focus... But you must know that the Science and Politics are moving rapidly away from the UN IPCC and COPS that has been discredited as it has mixed politics into the science. We now have alternative teams still using the same scientific data but reaching far different conclusions that are getting reviewed by many new western governments. .. such as ..

World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency


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Nonsense. The science is very well understood and very firmly established, and we are actually living out the early stages of more volatility in our climate right now. You are either ill-informed and easily misled or dishonest. I prefer to assume the former.

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I promised this Substack owner I would not dwell on this topic here if you want to convince me why I should waste any more of my tax dollar on NetZero go to my Substack and leave me a message

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Some people, including, it seems, those who attend the COP meetings, see the mass flow of money (debt, actually) in financial markets as a potential source of funding to "save the planet." So with carbon (and other) credits and offsets, they try to dump the problem of climate change into the laps of the financial world. Big failure - those are the people who created the environmental crisis.

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