Wow, that is one complicated Gordian knot! Thank you for untangling the threads.

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Efforts to quantify, and thus commodify Nature (the beyond human world) deserve to be questioned. Else our precious 🌍 will be even more exposed to the reckle$$ forces of global market capitalism, the very thing responsible for the tragic loss in biodiversity 😬.

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DON'T get me started on the gross stupidity of biodiversity credits! Carbon credits are enough of a hoax already - a biodiversity credit would just be a total shame on humanity, when there is already more mass of pet cats and dogs than all wild mammals. You CANNOT pretend to "save" biodiversity in one spot to allow a new sacrifice in some other place when we have already gone TO FAR in the destruction of Nature, which keeps getting in our way. Nature is not in the way, YOU ARE (the humans). Same as for carbon "credits"; we have gone too far with emissions to pretend that one bit of forest substitutes for another unit of emissions. It's over!

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