I'm counting the MPF decision a WIN! If all these offsets promoters and dealers suddenly disappeared, the net climate situation would be precisely the same! The worst part of the offsets scheme is the new financial colonialism of other people's lands, which to the promoters, are obviously sitting there doing nothing and as per the normal processes of theft by colonial-capitalism, ripe for land-grabbing. And "informed consent" never can be fully satisfied because how to you truthfully explain to people that their rights to their land have been extinguished in exchange for a few (only promised) dollars?

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Once again, major formal documentation of the worst climate policy--carbon offsets. The UN has value in many pursuits. Implementing climate programs is not one of them. The two major climate initiatives--Clean Development Mechanism and REDD+--have broadly failed in terms of offsets.

The risk ahead is that the last thing remaining yet to be finalized in the Paris Accords, after eight years, is Article 6. After repeated failure for very good reasons in COP after COP, the vested corporate and NGO interests may succeed this fall. It would give a (false) veil of legitimacy to carbon offsets and likely reinsert the UN in some kind of operational role. Thanks to those who have managed to stop Article 6 rules to date.

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Great comment! Thanks!

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