A very well written article that pictures ongoing realities on the ground!

Imperialism tries to hide its real face behind projects as REDD and Nature Base Solution, backed by the UN.

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They are correct.

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Shall these little people stand in the way of capitalists consuming every last bit of this planet? Yes! But you can help by boycotting the products such as palm oil and CELLPHONES!!!

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First, that's not capitalism. It's imperialism. Nothing more than rape and pillage. Words have definitions. Use the correct ones, please.

Palm oil should be banned as a paradigm, cell phones probably not. I know they're not good for you environment but one cannot function on a business level without them today.

End fossil fuel extraction. Sequester carbon directly from the atmosphere. Two pre-requisite absolutes for having any chance whatsoever of mitigating the oncoming catastrophe. PREREQUISITE ABSOLUTES

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Thank you for the reply! The usage of fossil fuels is intricately tied to the building of this massive human population, this scab of civilization imposed on this blue planet, being so intertwined, must be wound down together. The primary sequestering of carbon on this planet is via the silicon/carbon cycle in the oceans; if we can manage to save the oceans and the essential life therein, this mechanism can handle our CO2 emissions. See my latest post: https://kathleenmccroskey.substack.com/p/the-total-eclipse-of-the-earth

Carbon capture and geoengineering foster the "overshoot" myth. "Smart phones" drive the destruction of the DRC (Congo).

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Carbon capture has nothing to do with you engineering. We have done the Geo engineering that's going to kill us. Take this fossil fuel cocksucking bullshit elsewhere. I shall not stand for it.

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Hi Hudson - REDD-Monitor has a comments policy:


I'd be grateful if you could be polite. Otherwise, I'll block you. Thanks!

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As if blatantly intentional disingenuous lies somehow fall within the parameters of polite? You should be concerned about the people I'm replying to. Please

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Your assertion concerning the carbon cycle is either blatantly ignorant or intentionally disingenuous. No matter the causation, it's wrong. 100% wrong.

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