That's it exactly, "commoditized a communal resource for private gain." The workings of capitalism - privatize the profits, socialize the expenses (or in this case, low wages and imaginary "ownership" of the project). In this new colonialism, the rich North has a new need - imaginary carbon indulgences - and they assume all of the global South is theirs for the taking.
That's it exactly, "commoditized a communal resource for private gain." The workings of capitalism - privatize the profits, socialize the expenses (or in this case, low wages and imaginary "ownership" of the project). In this new colonialism, the rich North has a new need - imaginary carbon indulgences - and they assume all of the global South is theirs for the taking.
That's it exactly, "commoditized a communal resource for private gain." The workings of capitalism - privatize the profits, socialize the expenses (or in this case, low wages and imaginary "ownership" of the project). In this new colonialism, the rich North has a new need - imaginary carbon indulgences - and they assume all of the global South is theirs for the taking.