Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chris Lang

This is excellent and could apply to many other countries. I cannot comment on Thai democracy or governance but so-called ‘democracy’ is broken in the UK and parliament has lost credibility.

It’s reassuring to see such clear thinking coming from a people’s forum but sadly I doubt whether their government will listen.

They are correct when they identify exploitative capitalism* as the root cause. The UK should really be renamed UK PLC with the PM as CEO of a board of directors made up of the CEO’s of UK corporations and major donors. This would reflect the true power structure in the UK.

*I use the phrase “exploitative capitalism” because capitalism could be used to create wealth for the many rather than a greedy few as seems to be the prevailing ethos.

“An attitude to life which seeks fulfilment in the single-minded pursuit of wealth - in short, materialism - does not fit into this world, because it contains within itself no limiting principle, while the environment in which it is placed is strictly limited.”

― E.F. Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, 1973

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Great that Deklaration. Clear words on a world in trouble and confusion.

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Number 5 above is particularly important: "5. Remove outdated, ineffective, and climate injustice solutions such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Geoengineering, nuclear power plant, and hydroelectric power plant from the discussion." CCS is a govt-funded boondoggle at extravagant cost which, even if effective, would merely allow continued business-as-usual, and I would INSIST that the oxygen is returned to the atmosphere and not buried with the carbon. Nuclear power is a 300,000-year curse on the planet due to the waste problem. "Geoengineering" would attempt to cool the planet by spraying sulfur compounds into the stratosphere, in order to maintain fossil-fuel burning, meanwhile, it is too cold to grow many crops such as rice. Hydro power dams totally destroy the most productive lands- the deltas downstream. "Net-zero" is a scam which sounds nice but really, absolute-zero is needed, now! We are already set to blow by 1.5 degrees; we presently have enough CO2 in the atmosphere for 10 degrees, but that is presently being mitigated by aerosols (air pollution). Yes, lobbyists MUST be kicked out of ALL debates, everywhere!

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