Thanks for posting this video. George Monbiot is one of the best when it comes to understanding how capitalism and its history has lead us down this path of environmental destruction. I'm reading his new book, The Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How It Came to Control Your Life). I highly suggest it to anyone.

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OK, but the most disgusting problem is think of what all that money floating around could do for REAL climate action, mitigation, adaptation and eco-justice in the global South in a REAL way. As for money influencing politics, remember what John Dewey said in 1905 (yes 119 years ago): "Politics is the shadow cast upon society by big business." Let that one sink in a few minutes. IF you take money OUT of politics, duh, politics ceases to exist; it has no reason to exist. The true activities that would be relegated to government could run like a utility, like your electric utility. But ideologues and business lobbies try to grasp that income stream and bend it to their own advantage. How do we stop that?

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