Regarding Palantir and his founder Alex Karp (aside Peter Thiel) there is a new movie with portait of that firm: "Watching you" startet at Munich film-festival on May 1. 2024. I saw a preview two weeks ago with the director of the movie Klaus Stern discussing. His documentary is very interesting, but lacking some deepness because he made some compromise for getting interviews. Regarding the Brexit backed by Palantir-Software I asked why he didnt interview Christopher Wylie who leaved the company Cambridge Analytica as whistleblower and wrote the book "Mindfucked". He told, that Wylie didnt gave a comment. Nevertheless his book should have been noticed in the movie. Alex Karp is acting like a bird of paradise in the movie and spouting some philosophic nonsense. He knows how to confuse the public.

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While studying the "Keeling Curve" at https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/ I can't see where the "world’s first ever carbon offset project" made any difference to the rate of CO2 emissions. Or for any other offsets programme, for that matter. I can't see how any re-insurance firm would back up the above mentioned insurance scheme, to guarantee performance of a service which cannot possibly produce its intended results. Even by lumping together every financial ploy possible - carbon credits, offsets, block-chain, surveillance, carbon registries, insurance, etc., the sum of these parts is still zero environmental effect. And each project would need FIPC of Indigenous Peoples.

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