Katie recently left the following post on REDD-Monitor.org:

Thank you Chris Lang for this thorough research and all the helpful comments.

We are sure now that Green IS Forestry Group Ltd is a scam.

The liquidators – FRP are finishing off their process and yet despite Guy Conroy, or chief conman’s convincing emails about the company’s assets as seen on this thread – no assets can be found by the liquidators ??

This is an elaborate scam involving hundreds of people being conned of millions. There is a history of failed company after company on Companies House if you check or as Chris Lang has listed.

We are also continuing to be scammed by imitation letters from FRP . . . though the logo is the giveaway as not the same. They are hoping you will pay more money to retrieve your original investment. I got such a letter yesterday but had been forwarned by the real FRP. Do not give them a penny . . . unfortunately there is no money to be retrieved as far as I’ve been advised.

No one who has invested should feel bad about themselves. These scammers exploited us as people wanting to invest in ethical businesses. Yes we were naive but they were very “creative” and its a shame they didn’t use their creativity for something worthwhile. They weave webs and lives of deceit. They had no intention of paying us back our initial investment ever. They are the ones who should feel ashamed and be put away. I always wondered why sleazy Sean Patrick (Dineen) continued to ring us regularly and “chat” . . . about motorbikes etc, no doubt paid for by our investments.

These scammers have destroyed many people's lives who were relying on their investments for their futures.

I have reported them to the FCA and ActionFraud and recommend others do too . . . the more complaints the more likely they will be investigated.

Anyone interested in further action / support please contact Peter Thomas who is gathering email addresses.

Peter Thomas - pdthomas01@gmail.com

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John Raymond recently left the following post on REDD-Monitor.org:

GreenIS Group and Graham Arnott

The GreenIS group of companies and their directors have a very shady history. The directors have been responsible for many dissolved and compulsorily liquidated companies. A quick search on Companies House website will definitely put you in the picture regarding the directors past failings.

Their latest scam being the GreenIS group of companies which has obviously been set up as such a complicated group, that even though they have been compulsorily liquidated, the liquidator is having difficulty tracking down the investors funds as they have been channelled through the multiple companies within the group and very little paperwork is available.

What we do know is that a few weeks prior to being compulsorily liquidated, Guy Conroy in January 2022 sent out an e-mail detailing the so called “assets” of the group, which if materialised would raise around 18.7 million pounds sterling.

None of these assets can be found.

The Liquidator offered to pay Guy Conroy a commission ( based on the amount of timber he could realise) to travel to Brazil to sort out the company’s affairs, but after initially agreeing to go, he decided that there was nothing in it for him and refused to go.

It seems strange to me that Guy Conroy always spoke of “container Loads” when discussing the amount of timber, he had stored or ready for shipping. As far as I can tell, Teak is sold by the cubic metre (this seems to be an industry standard.) He always cited a worldwide shortage of containers for the slow progress in moving stock that he assured investors was waiting to be loaded.

He obviously failed maths at school or thought his investors had, because what he was saying didn’t add up.

For example, he stated that there were five container loads ready for shipment in the next few weeks, which he said would raise £250,000 at a conservative estimate. A twelve-metre shipping container is roughly 67 cubic metres and with the price of teak at the time being in the $800 to $1000 per cubic metre range then his estimate looks to be about ballpark.

The problem with his maths occurs when you realise that teak weighs around 1000kg per cubic metre and shipping containers have a maximum payload of 28,000kg.

This brings the funds raised by 5 containers down to $112.000 to $140,000. One would think that someone running a legitimate business would grasp this, but maybe not a scammer who is just trying to appease worried or angry investors.

In addition to all the usual selling tactics, investors were assured that their investment would be safe. As there was a charge on all the assets by a “Security Trustee”. Anyone can see a copy of this “charge” by going to the Companies House website and searching GIS Forestry. This will show you who the directors are, the filing history of the company and a copy of the “charge”. The Security Trustee was to take possession of all the assets of the group in the event of the group running into financial difficulties.

This security trustee charge was used to placate both potential investors and investors concerned about lack of payment of interest and indeed return of investment when the bonds matured.

By the way, the Security Trustee was Graham Arnott, but more of him later.

It has been alleged (by someone who says they have proof) that another director, Gary Williamson, was an undischarged bankrupt in two other names. Gary Jenkins (allegedly his real name) in 2006 and again as Gary Jones in 2008.

The Group’s financial Manager, David Evans, was barred from being a company director for 11 years in approximately 2014 as was one of the salesmen, Shaun Patrick (real name Shaun Patrick Dineen). A search on the Companies House website will show that all of the companies these people have been in control of, have failed miserably, owing millions to investors and very rarely filing yearly accounts.

Almost all their companies used Graham Arnott as their Accountant. Either through his latest company (Inchmead) or its previous incarnation Accounting Worx. Graham Arnott has supplied accounting services to numerous failed companies and the pattern seems to be consistent.

The company is set up. Sits dormant for a year or two then has a year or two of trading then fails to submit accounts and is either voluntarily dissolved or as in the case of GreenIS, is compulsorily liquidated by a creditor or the courts.

Mr Arnott’s latest venture is very interesting.

He is now a director of a company called MN Ufina Capital Limited. This company was incorporated on 02/04/2019. On 18/05/2020, accounts made up to 30/04/2020 were submitted for a dormant company. The company at this time was called Ifina Advisor Limited and the accounts show it as worth ZERO. The next day (19/05/2020) an allotment of 9.999.999 shares was registered at Companies House. The date for the allotment of shares was 30/03/2020.

On the 21/05/2020 the Companies registered address was changed to Inchmead offices address.

On 28/09/2020 a further allotment of 778,005,920 shares was registered.

On the 23/10/2020 the company name was changed to MN Ufina Capital Limited.

On the 12/01/2021 Graham Arnott was appointed as a director.

On the 07/03/2021 an allotment of 2.071.435,795 shares was registered in the name of

MN Ufina.

On the 06/01/2022 Accounts were submitted showing the company to be worth

£2, 071,466,392.

On the 14/12/2022 2,072,435,795 shares were transferred to FIBAN-CAPITAL LLC.

On the 28/04/23 Accounts made up to 30/04/22 showed share capital to be worth

£ 207,143,580 with reserves of £ 700,205,327.

I’m not an accountant, but something doesn’t look right when a company can be worth nothing in year one and 18 months later have over two billion in share capital. These people are operating in plain view of the financial authorities but are not registered with any governing body such as the FCA.

Getting back to Mr Arnott’s role in the GreenIS debacle, I wonder if it would be feasible to pursue him through the civil courts for gross negligence in his role as Security Trustee for the GreenIS group investors. I have already instructed my barrister to look into the possibility of this but your thoughts would also be appreciated…


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Comments on this post up to July 2022 are available here: https://archive.ph/boRPm#selection-1153.1-1153.12

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