Featuring Ithuba Credit Corporation, Ithuba Savings and Credit, Ithuba Investment Bank and Statutory Trust, Ithuba Holdings, Banyan Investment Banking and Hedge Fund, and others.
Thank you, very deep research! So many puppets run by one master - what could go wrong? This is another story containing a play or movie, just have to pick the cast. But again, audiences would be disappointed, there is no White Knight or deus ex machina to save the victims.
It was good speaking with you earlier. We need to follow up on the other thing but it is amazing how many people ask for info on Chris Lang, He has rattles a lot of cages but he is a nut job - he is an Eco worrier, having been arrested in the UK over 70 times and in some circles of the domestic intelligence service he is considered somewhat of an Eco-terrorist. There are certain EU countries he is banned from visiting, most notably Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and in South East Asia he is persona non grata in several countries.
Lang was formally an architect and studied forestation in the 1990’s, obtaining an MsC in Reafforestation. After a year long visit around South East Asia and witnessing the destruction of the rain forests, he set about to change the way the world viewed the connection between global warming and deforestation….most of his writings are lies, made up but he does a lot of back ground checks to discredit people that he has targeted. As an example of just discrediting info, lets say he found out that In 1956 a certain somebody stole a penny from his friend so therefor today, 2025, he is guilty of killing the global population of bees - his links make no sense.
He is apposed to anything regarding carbon credits and has published numerous articles on the ‘scam of carbon credits’, espeically as they relate to the world’s indeginengous populations, notablly in South America and South East Asia.
He is bitterly opposed to the European Union Emissions Trading System, (EU ETS), and has worked over the last 10-15 years to dissuade investors in recognizing the legitimacy of reality behind the sale/trading of carbon credits which is estimated to have a minimum market value of $35 billion by 2030.
Lang is basically a freak - a nut job and anything, any company, or any individual that promotes the evolution, marketing, sales/trading of carbon credits or fossil fuels deserves to be targeted. He has some global environmental groups on his side but in reality, he is nothing, a nobody.
I was arrested several times on environmental protests in the early 1990s. But it was nothing like 70 times. I have, however, never been arrested for (or carried out!) any "eco-terrorist" activities.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not banned from any countries anywhere in the world.
I trained as an architect and worked for four years as an architect. In the mid-1990s, I did an MSc course in Forestry and its Relation to Land Use at Oxford University (not "forestation" or "Reafforestation"). My dissertation was titled "Reforestation in Vietnam in the context of the globalization of the pulp and paper industry". You can read it here:
My writings are not lies. The example you give of stealing a penny in 1956 leading to killing bees is made up - and complete nonsense. Could it be that you made something up because you couldn't find any lies that I've actually written?
Incidentally, Indigenous is not spelled "indeginengous".
I am opposed to carbon trading. I'm delighted to have got that message across to you. There is no legitimacy to carbon trading. That's why I oppose it. I explained my position on carbon trading in detail in this book chapter from 2010:
Thank you, very deep research! So many puppets run by one master - what could go wrong? This is another story containing a play or movie, just have to pick the cast. But again, audiences would be disappointed, there is no White Knight or deus ex machina to save the victims.
Hi Dave,
It was good speaking with you earlier. We need to follow up on the other thing but it is amazing how many people ask for info on Chris Lang, He has rattles a lot of cages but he is a nut job - he is an Eco worrier, having been arrested in the UK over 70 times and in some circles of the domestic intelligence service he is considered somewhat of an Eco-terrorist. There are certain EU countries he is banned from visiting, most notably Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and in South East Asia he is persona non grata in several countries.
Lang was formally an architect and studied forestation in the 1990’s, obtaining an MsC in Reafforestation. After a year long visit around South East Asia and witnessing the destruction of the rain forests, he set about to change the way the world viewed the connection between global warming and deforestation….most of his writings are lies, made up but he does a lot of back ground checks to discredit people that he has targeted. As an example of just discrediting info, lets say he found out that In 1956 a certain somebody stole a penny from his friend so therefor today, 2025, he is guilty of killing the global population of bees - his links make no sense.
He is apposed to anything regarding carbon credits and has published numerous articles on the ‘scam of carbon credits’, espeically as they relate to the world’s indeginengous populations, notablly in South America and South East Asia.
He is bitterly opposed to the European Union Emissions Trading System, (EU ETS), and has worked over the last 10-15 years to dissuade investors in recognizing the legitimacy of reality behind the sale/trading of carbon credits which is estimated to have a minimum market value of $35 billion by 2030.
Lang is basically a freak - a nut job and anything, any company, or any individual that promotes the evolution, marketing, sales/trading of carbon credits or fossil fuels deserves to be targeted. He has some global environmental groups on his side but in reality, he is nothing, a nobody.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks for this, Linda. Or is it Jim? Or perhaps Jean?
REDD-Monitor has a comments policy: "be polite, reasonable, and don’t make things up".
So let's have a little fact check, shall we?
I was arrested several times on environmental protests in the early 1990s. But it was nothing like 70 times. I have, however, never been arrested for (or carried out!) any "eco-terrorist" activities.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not banned from any countries anywhere in the world.
I trained as an architect and worked for four years as an architect. In the mid-1990s, I did an MSc course in Forestry and its Relation to Land Use at Oxford University (not "forestation" or "Reafforestation"). My dissertation was titled "Reforestation in Vietnam in the context of the globalization of the pulp and paper industry". You can read it here:
My writings are not lies. The example you give of stealing a penny in 1956 leading to killing bees is made up - and complete nonsense. Could it be that you made something up because you couldn't find any lies that I've actually written?
Incidentally, Indigenous is not spelled "indeginengous".
I am opposed to carbon trading. I'm delighted to have got that message across to you. There is no legitimacy to carbon trading. That's why I oppose it. I explained my position on carbon trading in detail in this book chapter from 2010:
You posted the same comment several times. I've left this one but deleted the others. If you post this type of nonsense again, I'll block you.