Aleluya!!, this is a long standing historical victory against discrimination, dispossession, and new forms of colonialism. Hope that this legal win will be applied asap.

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On 22 December 2024, Carbon Pulse (https://carbon-pulse.com/354456/ - behind a paywall) reported that, "A Peruvian offset developer on Friday appealed a case involving one the world's biggest historical issuers of REDD-based carbon credits, after a judge ruled against the project's backers, including several government agencies, and ordered the nullification of some forest concessions."

And, just four days after the judge found the Kichwa's lawsuit to be well founded, the government announced that the National Service of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP) and CIMA, the company that runs the Cordillera Azul REDD project, had given awards to ten local organisations "in a ceremony that highlighted the collaborative work between local communities and the Peruvian State". (https://www.gob.pe/institucion/sernanp/noticias/1076381-san-martin-diez-organizaciones-locales-son-premiadas-como-ganadores-de-emprendedores-por-naturaleza-del-parque-nacional-cordillera-azul)

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I already thought that SENARP and CIMA will not accept this legal victory in practice. They are active in developing and implementing new mechanisms to clean their bad practices and move (use) local organisations to even deepening their extractive strategy. Recognising the indigenous' communities land legally is like swimming against the current of the waterfalls. It is part of the ongoing geopolitical power dynamic. Thanks for sharing the link

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Bravo! This counts as a Win! But I am amazed at the number of govt agencies involved, all collecting salaries!

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