As a Brazilian, I feel like digging deeper into re.green, a superficial look at their website reveals strong ties to what we call “agribusiness”. I’m always too skeptical about offset “investments” in my country, they might just be a coat of green paint on top of layers upon layers of bureaucracy and false documentation…

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Great report, thanks! What's missing is that "replanting" a forest merely replaces a previous element of Earth's natural carbon cycles, so how could that EVER be considered to generate indulgences for further emissions???

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I typically block everbody who is bashing Israel. Israel had the full right to defend itself. There live Arabs in Israel with Israels citizenship and all religious freedom.

Somebody can blame cruels of the war to Israel, but nobody can question the right of anybody to defend himself.

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“The right of anybody to defend themself” might feel like a morally positive phrase, but it’s just discourse that falls off the second it tries to cover killing, mutilating and orphaning thousands of children.

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There is a vast gulf between "self defence" and deliberate genocide; if humanity cannot get a genocide stopped, we have all failed. The UN Charter proscribes entering another country for military purposes, although certain "exceptional" countries exempt themselves from international law at their convenience. I "block" everyone enabling the weaponization of the Holocaust, especially by those assumed to be the victims of it.

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Guess I’d better add “Ban Carbon Offsets” on my policy list.

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