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Mordecai Ogada gets it exactly right in his video address! The "West" controls the money, the talk, the entire framing of the debate, in this neo-liberal (ultra-conservative) attempt to monetize all of Nature, in the guise of putting a value on all "ecological services." As if - all items in Nature exist for their value of providing life-support for the faux wealth of rich northern cities. No! Life and all living things have intrinsic value beyond any concept of money, or barter, or trade. Yes, Africa - stand up to the money-changers, and that starts with sending the USA military and all their bases home, same for all attempts of colonization under China's "Belt and Road." All these people are on your lands to "open doors for business," in other words, commoditizing everything of value (to them) in Africa, and when it is all taken away, when everything of value is gone, then you will be left, on your own, in deepest poverty. That is how extractive economics works. And, like he says, neither trust your local politicians - like John Dewey said in 1905: "Politics is the shadow cast upon society by big business.:

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