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Several issues here.

1) There is really no available carbon budget to stay below 1.5 degrees, since, as Dr. James Hansen has said, we will blow past 1.5 degrees in the next El Nino.

2) There is a possibility of direct-from-ocean carbon capture, being 100x atmospheric concentration, but again, large energy input, and, again, they would be extracting CO2 and not simple carbon and that O2 needs to be returned to the atmosphere.

3) Here's how "offsets" could work - do all your NBS activities and record them in a databank for 50 years. Then look at world CO2 levels at that time and you will see how much your offsets have reduced the world CO2 level over those 50 years. THEN and only then, can you sell those "offsets"!

4) Just like in the realm of promoting biodiversity, in which the first obvious step would be to not create even one new "sacrifice zone" and then go about protecting other land and sea areas; and just like in the realm of confining the world's growing consumption of energy, start by Limits to Progress, so that a morally bankrupt nation is not wasting $4.5 billion on a practice flight to the moon while other people starve; wouldn't the first step in controlling CO2 emissions be to try to keep Winter 2023 CO2 level from not going above Summer 2023 level? Can we take even this one small step?

Remember, this is not "climate change"; it is a planetary catastrophe in which a rogue species has pried out millions of years of properly sequestered carbon and burned that in just 200 years, initiating a scale of heating not seen since the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum) about 55 million years ago.

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