Thank you for the reviews! The IKEA post, “It’s as if they really hate nature,” is really just typical forward drive of human “progress.” Same as the drive for Space exploration, they burn that rocket fuel and further contaminate the atmosphere on re-entry, casting that waste aside with no concern. They just don’t care; this planet is for their exploitation. For the “new form of green colonization,” this is the biggest change in human ideology ever, cleverly disguised. Imagine if the Elites announced that the notion of private property is now abolished. There would be massive uproar. But when sneaking this change in subtly under a “green” banner, nobody seems to realize the consequences!

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The Earth is not like a Timex watch. It simply cannot continue taking our increasingly severe “lickings” yet still keep on “ticking” – at least in so far as its ability to provide for our ultimate survival is concerned. Humanity’s ignorance in taking the Earth and its abundance for granted mattered little in the distant past when our ancestors were few in number and relied mostly on tools made of stone to give them an advantage when competing with more fierce predators.

But there are now more than 8 billion of us, each competing for an ever-larger portion of Earth’s steadily shrinking bounty. Our tools are already so advanced and highly sophisticated that we can (and may) destroy every living thing on the planet.

Unfortunately, our vast achievements in technology have far exceeded any advances we’ve made in acquiring the wisdom we need to gain control over our impulsive nature or tame our lust for power and dominance over others.

Despite a rapidly growing body of indisputable and well-publicized scientific evidence, that we humans are systematically destroying Earth’s ability to sustain us, we continue to turn a blind eye and keep right on doing it.

So, the question for us now is:

Do we, as a species, have the courage to face the reality before us and to change our relationship with the Earth in sufficient time to prevent our own self-destruction?

I have been grappling with this question since I came of age in the 1960s. And, in 2019, in desperation, I actively began thinking “outside the conventional box” in search of answers. I came up with an idea for a global paradigm shift which, with adequate promotional support, I (and others) believe can provide the most rapid, effective, efficient, and equitable means for restoring and protecting both the Earth’s vital systems and its ability to sustain future generations.

I named this idea for a paradigm shift WISE-UP, which stands for “World Initiative to Save the Earth and Unite People”. WISE-UP’s success hinges on our collective willingness to acknowledge and adopt the following fundamental 10 key principles:

1. Human-generated pollution (including the impacts of habitat loss and/or ecosystem damage or destruction) is both measurable and quantifiable.

2. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is universally recognized as the most qualified scientific entity with the capacity to measure and quantify human-generated global pollution.

3. A healthy and bountiful Earth can only tolerate and absorb a specific amount of human-generated pollution, beyond which the Earth suffers damage that degrades the quality of life for all living things.

4. Humanity must establish a global system designed to ensure that Earth’s human-generated pollution does not exceed the safe levels, as determined by the IPCC.

5. The right to generate the allowed safe levels of pollution belongs to every living person on Earth, in equal measure, and shall be manifest through pollution credit shares deposited monthly into personal share accounts belonging to every living person.

6. Those who engage in business activities that generate more pollution than permitted by their allotted personal pollution credit shares, must offset all the excess pollution their business activities generate by fairly compensating the rest of humanity through the purchase of offsetting pollution credits from willing sellers via a globally regulated pollution credit market exchange.

7. All business entities must register with a newly created WISE-UP Agency within the United Nations and maintain a valid WISE-UP license documenting that entity’s pollution footprint and that entity’s pollution credit offset requirements.

8. Under WISE-UP, business entities compete globally on a level playing field to minimize their pollution footprints and associated pollution credit costs, THEREBY ASSURING that the total amount of pollution that is generated stays within the safe limits established by the IPCC, AND every living person on Earth is fairly compensated through the sale of their pollution credits via the global market exchange.

9. For the first time in human history the full cost of human-generated pollution (the cost that the Earth has been paying all along) will be quantified and incorporated into the prices of the goods and services we humans buy, use, and throw away. (Note: In reality there is no “away”.)

10. Those businesses that generate the most pollution may well be forced out of business as a result of consumers’ unwillingness to pay the higher prices for those goods and services once the full cost of pollution is incorporated into the prices they must pay, which is ultimately the whole point of WISE-UP in the first place.

The principles described above are fully explained in detail, and serve as the basis for a series of documents that cover every aspect of WISE-UP in its current stage of development.

If you are interested in learning more about WISE-UP please reply and provide me with your contact information.

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