Hard to know what to think about this.

See the button at the bottom, it says “Start writing,” it doesn’t mention any form of censorship. Should any marketplace of ideas be restricted to certain areas of thought? Would that not be a form of religion (that which binds)? Hate-speech is illegal in many jurisdictions and could be prosecuted there if detected. Most people do not have unlimited funds to subscribe to every available substack. If I’m working on my writing I certainly do not have time to go exploring on substack (or any other platform) just to see what’s out there, or certainly not to be looking for writing that might be too extreme so that I can complain about it. Yes, any writing platform can make rules that push ideas that they do not like to other platforms. So today, “They are coming for” Nazis; perhaps tomorrow, for you. If you wish all writing to be so that everyone like it, then it probably has no utility. Thus, some people will like this paragraph and others will not like it. subatck could add a “not like” button, instead of just the “Like.”

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