I love that you're covering this. Colonialism in Africa is of course reprehensible, as is the blind eye western media turns to the continent. When I was writing about the heatwave burning up Greece and Southern Europe, finding information on Northern Africa was challenging. I didn't even find information in The Guardian, generally one of the better mainstream sources for climate change.

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Anuradha Mittal says: "African people deserve climate justice, not more extraction."

Exactly! This justice should include reparations which could be funded by oxygen pricing for the historical and ongoing damage to the world's environment by extravagant consumerism of the rich North, as well as for, among other things, that these mid-latitudes are the intended landing spot for zillions of bits, large and small, of space junk.

Forestry management? Managed for what, profit? A tree plantation is not a forest. Suggesting that any form of "forestry management" could result in 2.6 million tonnes of carbon sequestration anywhere in the world is total nonsense. Sequestered carbon looks like coal or peat; it doesn't look like live trees, which, as we know, have no permanence.

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