Thank you, great reporting. A sub-heading in the SOMO report is titled The Power Imbalance. This is a concept to consider in every aspect of "offsets" projects, not just regarding these human rights abuses. There is always power imbalances in the supposed "consent" negotiations for the projects, as well as in the (always stalled) community benefits.

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Would you be satisfied and trusting of enviro impact documentation produced by a putative expert whose "scientific" output products and whose precious bodily fluids are owned lock stock and barrel by the project proponents. That's why I transitioned from consultant to insultant decades ago, and in short order found that my client base had inexplicably evaporated. That's why they call it the Borld Wank. Good thing that my waifu has a day job. More on all this accessible throughout our primary website <https://cultivateunderstanding.com>... Knock yerselves out! Criitical feedback vastly appreciated.

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