Great article, thanks! Larry Lohmann's article is a MUST READ! So Verra has "sold" a billion carbon credits? Do I see a billion-ton drop in the Keeling Curve? Also, "Net-Zero" is BS, it mainly relies on fraudulent offsets; in reality we need NEGATIVE emissions since the equilibrium temperature based on current CO2 atmosphere levels is 10 degrees C. see: https://columbia.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0ebaeb14fdbf5dc65289113c1&id=c5aca25026&e=3eb1851fc6, only presently reduced by aerosol levels.

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Here's another point - if the CFTC actually investigates carbon credits, they will find nothing in that box! It's all hot air, wishful thinking, money chasing money, etc. Carbon credits are not actually a commodity, since they don't actually exist; you can't take delivery of a whole train-car load of that manure. But they trade like commodities, so should be regulated as such. A thorough investigation should shut down this entire scam.

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