Let’s get the hubris under control, OK? You are NOT one of the “owners of America.” Humans need to keep their mitts off Nature and that includes so-called “restoration” projects. Nature has ways of restoration, which might not meet your desires for immediate results.
Let’s get the hubris under control, OK? You are NOT one of the “owners of America.” Humans need to keep their mitts off Nature and that includes so-called “restoration” projects. Nature has ways of restoration, which might not meet your desires for immediate results.
Look, Kathleen. I know what I’m proposing is against every bone in your body. I never assumed that everyone will be on board. Some will, some won’t.
If I can try to reason with you, this course may be the best shot at ending the climate crisis. You may think that I’ll simply forget it all once I’m there and keep feeding the beast that’s killing the world, or kissing the ring of oil magnates while putting up a green front, but let me assure you: I WON’T.
But if you still do not want anything to do with me, then I won’t stop you. It’s your right. Even I can’t cross that line.
OK, you don’t get it, I can understand. Unfortunately, to remedy this situation, I will have to play the trump card (no, not THAT Trump) and I don’t like to have to do this. The responsibility for the environment of Planet Gaia is my responsibility and I have not delegated any of that to anyone else, especially you, since you have disqualified yourself. I did not want this work particularly, but Walter dumped it in my lap when he left. So that’s how it stands for now.
What do you mean, immediate results? Those things take time, they can’t be rushed! But thanks anyways for reminding me that nature has ways of healing itself. I’ll squeeze that consideration in.
Let’s get the hubris under control, OK? You are NOT one of the “owners of America.” Humans need to keep their mitts off Nature and that includes so-called “restoration” projects. Nature has ways of restoration, which might not meet your desires for immediate results.
Look, Kathleen. I know what I’m proposing is against every bone in your body. I never assumed that everyone will be on board. Some will, some won’t.
If I can try to reason with you, this course may be the best shot at ending the climate crisis. You may think that I’ll simply forget it all once I’m there and keep feeding the beast that’s killing the world, or kissing the ring of oil magnates while putting up a green front, but let me assure you: I WON’T.
But if you still do not want anything to do with me, then I won’t stop you. It’s your right. Even I can’t cross that line.
OK, you don’t get it, I can understand. Unfortunately, to remedy this situation, I will have to play the trump card (no, not THAT Trump) and I don’t like to have to do this. The responsibility for the environment of Planet Gaia is my responsibility and I have not delegated any of that to anyone else, especially you, since you have disqualified yourself. I did not want this work particularly, but Walter dumped it in my lap when he left. So that’s how it stands for now.
What do you mean, immediate results? Those things take time, they can’t be rushed! But thanks anyways for reminding me that nature has ways of healing itself. I’ll squeeze that consideration in.