Chris, how may I please contact the 20 making this claim? You & I corresponded years ago & I have an update on frustrations of dealing with SRA & the Legal Ombudsman over Colemans-ctts. (Email to follow)

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Thanks for this comment.

The names of the 20 people are listed here (but no email addresses):


They are represented by Francesca Mitchell of Wilberforce Chambers:


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I am one of those that got scammed with Carbon-expert / Colemans ctts scheme. Will gladly share my experience if needed.

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Well, let's see. A boiler room is a mass-marketing scheme so obviously they are not selling something rare or in limited supply. There is no case, ever, that a "carbon credit" could be deemed an investment, unless, for example, an air traveler bought some offsets at a great price to save for a trip in the near future. A carbon credit is meant to be extinguished upon offsetting a known emission. So how could that be deemed an investment? If something sounds too good to be true...

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Thanks for this Kathleen. With hindsight, it's obvious that carbon credits are not investments. But thousands of people lost money to these scammers. The scammers had a sophisticated (but almost completely untrue) sales pitch, combined with a flashy website, and in this case the involvement of a legal firm, all of which helped give the impression of a genuine investment.

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The involvement of a UK legal firm being key as ‘enablers’ ; emails to carbonex@colemans-ctts.co.uk, administering contracts letter-headed by Colemans-ctts legal practice, through their staff & processing cheques made out to Colemans-ctts, through their bank account….

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The person suppling all these boiler rooms with carbon credits and Ukranian farmland was

Kulvir Virk, he was the real string puller behind Carbon-ex. He's now sunning himself in Dubai and living the life of riley on the Emirates Hills golf development. Driving Ferraris and being waited on by staff. Who says crime doesn't pay!!

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