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Really great that the people stand up to corporate death. Yes, it is a form of colonialism, perhaps the final act, where a bit of forest is tied up permanently so that a small unit of emissions can happen now. Or, for the corrupt 30x30 plan, a bit of forest is tied up permanently so that a Corporation can feel right about destroying one more greenfield. But item 11 is a problem: "Our territories have no economic value. They are financially invaluable." A North American Indigenous concept is "We cannot sell the Earth, our Mother." The territories DO have economic value, to the Capitalist, who endeavors to monetize them for his profit, of course. Then strip any salable resource (in this case being totally imaginary "offsets") or timber, or oil and gas, then leave it in ruins. The Statement should be: "Our territories are priceless!" The neoliberal goal is to monetize all of Nature and of course enable that monetary value to flow to the most wealthy. And for everyone else, "Let them eat cake."

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