Sitemap - 2023 - REDD-Monitor

“If no one had ever said, ‘Plant a trillion trees,’ I think we’d have been in a lot better space”

ONE Amazon’s US$1 trillion plan for the Amazon basin

Substackers against Nazis

The good news from COP28: The failure to agree on Article 6 carbon markets

“It destroys everything,” says Indigenous leader about the REDD+ Baka Rokarire project in Colombia

The claim that “Carbon credits could generate US$82 billion” per year in Africa is based on a made in the USA fairy tale

Papua New Guinea signs a new carbon deal with Blue Carbon LLC at COP28

Ten reasons to abolish the carbon offsets industry

Who is Samuele Landi? Italian fugitive, Liberian diplomat, seasteader, software developer, and adviser to Blue Carbon LLC

Stop carbon offsetting now!

Carbon markets create “new forms of colonization, militarization, criminalization and land loss”: International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change Caucus statement at COP28

How a proposed REDD project by Wildlife Works and Forest Trends in Maranhão, Brazil is fuelling Indigenous conflict

Statement against the illegal and violent Ogiek evictions in Kenya

Scammers claiming to be from Horizon Capital Management, United Capital Finance, or Premier Group Finance are running a recovery room scam

The Great Climate Scandal. Part 5: Responses from Verra, Wildlife Alliance, and Carbon Pulse

The Great Climate Scandal. Part 4: Matt Shea visits the Carbon Forward Conference 2023

The Great Climate Scandal. Part 3: Matt Shea visits the Corporate Investments into Forestry and Biodiversity event

The Great Climate Scandal. Part 2: Illegal logging, human rights abuses, and deforestation in REDD projects in Cambodia

The Great Climate Scandal. Part 1: Carbon footprints, mega corporations, magical tokens, and a “much darker world”

World Bank to carry out an investigation into evictions, killings, and human rights abuses associated with its REGROW project in Tanzania

Declaration of the Thai People’s Forum on Climate Justice: “Avoid reliance on carbon market systems that lead to greenwashing”

“In practice, these projects don’t exist.” The Portel REDD projects in Brazil face accusations of “fraud” and “land grabbing”

Mordecai Ogada: “Carbon credits are a scam. Probably the biggest scam visited on mankind in history”

Renat Heuberger has resigned as CEO of South Pole

Is IUCN Coin “shaping a greener future”? Is it really “aligned closely with the International Union for Conservation of Nature”?

Verra has suspended the Pacajai / ADPML Portel-Pará REDD project. The project developer faces a legal case over land grabbing. Local communities say they have not received benefits from the project

Indigenous Ogiek communities are being violently evicted for carbon credits in Kenya

The allegations of sexual abuse at the Kasigau REDD project confirm that the REDD auditing system is “not fit for purpose”

Responses from Wildlife Works and Verra to allegations of systemic and widespread sexual abuse and harassment in the Kasigau REDD project, Kenya

“Wildlife Works is responsible for serious human rights abuses at the Kasigau project”

“Carbon neutral” claims revisited: “Scientifically inaccurate” and “misleading”

Greenwash alert: Petrobras claims that its Gasolina Podium is “carbon neutral” because it bought offsets from the Envira Amazônia Project

Amerindian Peoples Association forced to pull out of Architecture for REDD+ Transactions carbon credit appeal process

Three Basins Summit slammed by Indigenous, environmental, and human rights organisations

South Pole pulls out of the Kariba REDD project in Zimbabwe

Massive greenwash alert: Blue Carbon signs a carbon deal with Kenya. Its parent company signs a US$1.5 billion carbon deal with Zimbabwe

Teak plantation investment scam company Green IS Group is now in liquidation. Will the police take action against the scammers?

The Araku Valley Livelihood Project in India generates carbon credits to make Evian bottled water “carbon neutral”. But villagers have signed away the rights to money from carbon credits

Verra has started a review of the Kariba REDD project in Zimbabwe. The project is “on hold”

What the 2017 documentary “Trophy” tells us about anti-poaching operations in the Kariba REDD+ project

REDD in tooth and claw: Trophy hunting and the Kariba REDD+ project

“I probably will go to jail,” says Steve Wentzel, the man behind the Kariba REDD+ project in Zimbabwe

Amazon rainforest: Deforestation, drought, and fire are affecting the monsoon and leading to a dangerous tipping point

Violent evictions and human rights abuses in Tanzania supported by the World Bank

“I wish they’d stop burning our things.” A simple request to Wildlife Alliance from a villager living in the Southern Cardamom REDD+ project in Cambodia

Lee White, Gabon’s former Forestry Minister, accused of corruption and placed under house arrest

Despite high deforestation Tumring REDD project in Cambodia is still selling carbon credits

Monoculture carbon plantations threaten biodiversity and have little benefit for the climate

Suriname: Real oil and fake offsets

Criticism of carbon offsets is nothing new

Papua New Guinea’s Carbon Market Regulation “not validated” says PNG Environmental Alliance

Apple claims that its new Apple Watch is carbon neutral. It’s not

Bill Gates, biomass burial, carbon credits, and fake news about 70 million acres of clearcuts

“Problems under every stone we turned.” New report on REDD by the Berkeley Carbon Trading Project finds massive exaggerations of emissions reductions

REDD: An introduction

ALLCOT’s letter to Jeffrey Kitingan about Sabah’s Nature Conservation Agreement is dated 2 December 2021 and “No acceptance or posterior agreement was ever made”

“No, it is not true.” ALLCOT’s response to Jeffrey Kitingan’s claim that “We are engaged with ALLCOT Group” in the Nature Conservation Agreement in Sabah

The return of Sabah’s Nature Conservation Agreement

“A wolf in sheep’s clothing”: New report by Power Shift Africa on the Africa Carbon Markets Initiative

Three Members of European Parliament denied entry to Tanzania to investigate continued human rights abuses against the Maasai

United Arab Emirates promises to buy US$450 million carbon credits from the Africa Carbon Markets Initiative

Shell scraps its carbon offsets programme

The African Forestry Impact Platform is “perpetuating carbon colonialism”

Carbon offset deals in fictitious Carbon Dioxide Removal technologies

New report reveals that a majority of the board members of big conservation NGOs are linked to the finance industry

REDD carbon offsets don’t address the climate crisis and are linked to allegations of human rights abuse

Africa Climate Summit: “It looks like a trade conference on carbon credits”

Sí al Yasuní! Ecuador votes to stop oil drilling in Yasuní National Park

Blue Carbon LLC’s green grabbing spree continues with a 7.5 million hectare deal in Zimbabwe

Al Gore gets hot and bothered about fossil fuels. And junk offsets

Climate corruption in Papua New Guinea: Claims and counter claims from Climate Change and Development Authorities’ William Lakain and whistleblower, Alfred Rungol

A few thoughts on the future direction of REDD-Monitor

International statement on the carbon deal between Blue Carbon and the Liberian Government

Zuma’s two million Russian carbon credits rejected by the Africa Voluntary Carbon Credits Market

Blue Carbon LLC: A United Arab Emirate company that aims to greenwash the country’s massive carbon footprint

EverGreen Solutions’ Christmas tree investment scam

Papua New Guinea’s Climate Change Management Act revision “has now been completed without proper public stakeholder consultation” PNG Environmental Alliance says

The world’s biggest greenwasher: South Pole

The 2 million carbon credits that Jacob Zuma handed over to the Africa Voluntary Carbon Credits Market on behalf of Belarus came from Russia. A Joint Implementation forestry programme in Siberia

Ethical Trading and Marketing Limited: A scam involving tax havens, tax evasion, non-existent plantations in Brazil, and carbon credits

Greenwash alert: Saudi Arabia’s Regional Voluntary Carbon Market Company recently sold 2.2 million carbon credits to Big Polluters

Why did Jacob Zuma represent Belarus at the Africa Voluntary Carbon Credits Market Forum in Zimbabwe?

Papua New Guinea fines logging company US$40 million for tax evasion

“The sale by the Government of Guyana of forest-based carbon credits was fraudulent”

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission sets up an Environmental Fraud Task Force to address misconduct in carbon markets

How can Suzano, the world’s biggest eucalyptus pulp corporation, attract “green finance”?

Joe Romm: “Carbon offsets are unscalable, unjust, and unfixable - and a threat to the Paris Agreement”

“Offsetting is an accounting concept only, and does not affect actual emissions”

Consumer groups file a complaint against 17 airlines for greenwashing. Claims that buying offsets can “neutralise” CO₂ emissions from flying are “factually incorrect”

Verra has suspended the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project in Cambodia after receiving a letter from Human Rights Watch

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is calling for whistleblowers to report “violations connected to fraud or manipulation in the carbon markets”

The Luangwa Community Forests Project, Zambia: “The project shouldn’t issue any credits because it’s not really reducing deforestation”

TotalEnergies’ carbon plantations have “snatched” farmers’ land in the Republic of Congo

In an important legal victory, a Kichwa Indigenous community won the right to their territory in the Cordillera Azul National Park, Peru. Ten days later an appeal court threw out the ruling

The REDD+ Environmental Project for the Protection of Pachamama Cumbal in Colombia sold carbon credits to Chevron before local communities even knew the project existed

FIFA’s climate own goal: Swiss advertising regulator rules 2022 World Cup not “carbon neutral”

“We have lost everything.” New Amnesty International report documents the violent evictions of Maasai Indigenous communities from Loliondo, Tanzania

Kamlapar Clan files legal case against NIHT Holdings to revoke the sale of 1.3 million carbon credits in Papua New Guinea

Victims sue Colemans’ insurers over decade-old Carbon-ex carbon credit investment scam

Lawsuit against Delta Air Lines for “carbon neutral” claims

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures: Greenwash by corporations, for corporations

Crypto and carbon offsets. A scam on top of a scam

Cryptocurrency is a scam

Fast food chain Leon quietly drops “carbon neutral” claims

Surprise, surprise . . . Chevron’s net zero plans are based on junk offsets and ignore 90% of the company’s emissions

David Antonioli resigns as head of Verra

Indigenous Maasai European speakers tour will raise concerns about conservation in Tanzania

Tanzania signs Africa’s biggest REDD deal. With GreenCop Development PTE Ltd, a holding company incorporated in Singapore six weeks ago

On fossil fuels and REDD herrings

Zimbabwe announces new carbon trading framework. All international carbon agreements are “null and void”

A question for the Coalition for Rainforest Nations: “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

A question for the International Emissions Trading Association: “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

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Sylvera’s carbon credits report greenwashes Big Polluters by failing to look at the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions

The Oakland Institute exposes another carbon scam. South Pole’s carbon dioxide removal company NextGen has committed to buying fictitious carbon credits from Summit Carbon Solutions

The great resource grab: Special Economic Zones in Papua New Guinea

Climate corruption in Papua New Guinea: Response from the whistleblower, Alfred Rungol. “A lot of abuse by some of the senior management officers and their cronies”

Violations of Indigenous rights in Cordillera Azul National Park REDD project: UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination writes to Peruvian State

Africa Carbon Markets Initiative: “A disincentive to progress in cutting down on emissions”

Climate corruption in Papua New Guinea: William Lakain, acting managing director of Climate Change and Development Authority says “I categorically reject these allegations”

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Climate corruption in Papua New Guinea. Climate Change and Development Authority staff accused of stealing US$1.3 million

REDD-Monitor is now on Notes

Murder trial of Karen Indigenous activist Porlajee “Billy” Rachongcharoen starts in Bangkok

Amerindian Peoples Association files a formal complaint with Winrock International about the Guyana government’s US$750 million carbon credit deal with oil company Hess Corporation

The Kichwa indigenous community wins an important legal victory against the exclusionary conservation of the Cordillera Azul National Park in Peru

Aviation and the offsetting climate scam

Four REDD projects in Portel, Brazil: Profits for intermediaries, offsets for Big Polluters, and land conflicts for communities

Papua New Guinea Environmental Alliance letter about the country’s proposed Carbon Market Regulation

German court rules that TotalEnergies cannot claim that its heating oil is “CO₂ compensated”

“Drastically reduce emissions first, or carbon dioxide removal will be next to useless”

While in Ucayali to sign a forest conservation declaration, Lisa Kenna, the US Ambassador to Peru, praises the palm oil company responsible for most deforestation in the region

IMPT’s delusional theory of change: Keep shopping. Buy offsets

Shell: “Don’t Just Stand There. Plant A Tree”

Guyana’s carbon credits are based on “emissions reductions that never occurred” says Kevin Conrad of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations

Carbonballs: Farage’s share options terminated with carbon offsetting firm Dutch Green Business Group

Cordillera Azul National Park REDD project in Peru: Fake additionality, fake baseline, fake leakage, and failure to recognise the rights of Indigenous Peoples

NGOs request action from US Vice President Kamala Harris regarding human rights crisis faced by Indigenous Maasai pastoralist communities in Tanzania

Borana Council of Elders’ statement: Northern Rangelands Trust's Northern Kenya Grassland Carbon Project is a “green scam”

“Carbon land-grabbing”: Jari Pará REDD+ Project in Brazil halted over land dispute

Nemus Earth told to stop selling NFTs in Brazil

Florestal Santa Maria REDD project: Hot air and shiny crypto tokens

80 NGOs demand that the EU rejects carbon offsets

More junk offsets: Carbon registries are systemically over-crediting "improved forest management" offset projects

No room for offsets in IPCC’s carbon budget

Living Carbon is selling carbon offsets generated from planting genetically engineered trees: A false solution combined with a techno-fix on top of another false solution

Survival International’s new report exposes serious problems with the Northern Rangelands Trust’s soil carbon project on Indigenous land in Kenya

South Pole’s CEO Renat Heuberger plays “fast and loose with the truth” about the Kariba REDD+ Project in Zimbabwe

"No one from FORCERT accompanied ABC Four Corners." FORCERT's replies to The Australian's questions about its role in the recent documentary about NIHT's REDD project in Papua New Guinea

NIHT accuses Four Corners investigation of bias

One tonne of fossil carbon is not the same as one tonne of carbon in trees or soil

Violent evictions at the Alto Mayo REDD project in Peru

Intermediaries are profiteering from the false solution of carbon trading

IMPT Token's CEO Denis Creighton: “If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is.”

Norwegian aid to Climate Advisers ends in "multimillion-dollar dispute"

“There’s really no such thing as a ‘carbon offset’. If you really look at it, it’s made up”

Rainforest Foundation UK: “Gabon's rainforest carbon credits set a dangerous precedent that could worsen climate change”

Logging companies in Papua New Guinea in breach of Court Order banning logging

WWF finally admits that “carbon credits won't solve the climate crisis”

Dutch Green Business Group attempts to mislead investors by confusing the price of carbon offsets with the price of carbon allowances

Some questions for ONE Amazon, about their deeply inequitable Agreement with the Shuar Federation in Ecuador

In September 2022, ONE Amazon and the Shuar Federation in Ecuador signed a deeply inequitable Agreement. In February 2023, the Shuar Federation held an assembly and agreed to cancel the Agreement

Carbon Colonialism: Four Corners investigates NIHT Inc’s REDD project in Papua New Guinea

South Pole and the Kariba REDD+ Project: An investigative report by Follow the Money exposes the rot at the heart of REDD

REDD Project in Brazil Nut concessions in Madre de Dios, Peru finally started paying communities a decade after the project started. “I’m still lacking money,” says one community member

REDD-Monitor’s top ten posts in 2022